Monday, September 17, 2012


Well, here we are. Ten days after arriving in this strange little country and I have finally successfully, or at least passably, acquired the following:
- bank account (for which the man gave me a student rate and laughed jovially)
- cell phone (and a free sim card thanks to Marina! she has kept me sane in this very daunting time)
- apartment (despite scary lease agreement and landlord saying my roommate and I have to move out at the same time..)
- internet!! but not wifi because they demanded I pay a deposit of €250 hahaha yeah no way. it's a usb stick thing. not the best reception in my room (checked the roommates room, she gets an extra bar. bastard.) but it'll do!
- friends? at least acquaintances!! and some are even the elusive Austrian!

Now since I've been here I've wanted to compare everything to Germany...I haven't, but I've wanted to. I've noticed oodles of differences but maybe they can be attributed to the fact that I live in a city of 250,000 rather than 1.3 million. It's only been about a week so I can't be too picky yet...TIME WILL TELL. But, the more I roam the city the more I like it. Today I walked around my quadrant with a chocolate pastry and could not have been happier. (Minus a swollen wrist due to a mosquito bite gone awry...Pesky creatures, mosquitoes are...) Then I ate a schnitzel sandwich and had not a care in the world! NOT A SINGLE CARE.

Because I'm running out of things to say, look at some pictures!
  My room before my suitcase threw up everywhere.

  Lookit them high ceilings! 

 View out my window and the kitchen window. There's a garden back there but it's locked...I saw a cat in it once.

Silliest toilet ever...And kind of unnerving. 

 Creepy window looking into the creepy brick courtyard of death. It's like a reminder of what happens to those who don't pay their rent...

Kitchen! it's tiny but hey, arched doorway!

 The room in which one bathes and does laundry, obviously. I've already flooded it once hahahaha...Yeah, apparently the washer gets water from the wall like normal but, has an uncapped hose in which it expels the used water...Supposedly you're supposed to hook it over a tub or something. Didn't know that....

BAM accessories! There's even more stuff up now.

BAM clothes. I could have brought so much more...
There you have it. That's where I live. I've yet to take any decent city pictures but, give me a week and I'll dazzle you with the charm of Graz. 
Liebe Grüße aus Graz!


  1. I love reading about your goings-on. Your apartment looks so nice (hose troubles aside). I can't wait to see the city! :) Missing you.

    1. miss you too, mein schatz! hope santa maria is treating you well.

  2. YAY Kat! The place looks really nice, except for that toilet seat... haha! Thank you for these hilarious updates! it makes me feel like you're not so far away! I miss you friend and I hope your time there continues to get better and better! <3

  3. dude your kitchen is TINY. but everything looks great, i think you chose a good place to call home! oregon and i miss you! but mainly me. forget about oregon *kicks oregon in the face* hehe just kidding!!!!!! >>
