Sunday, March 3, 2013

beware the ides of march

Guess what, guys? Its March! The month of all things green, Irish-American and murderous Romans. Yay! It will also be a month of sunshine, hopefully. After essentially 4 months of darkness, snow and cold, I'm ready for a little vitamin D.
This is what winter in Austria has felt like:

or this:
Take your pick. I imagine that now that spring has sprung, there will be no more pesky blizzards of feet of snow. If there are, I'll have to ruthlessly sacrifice some farmyard animals to offer to the weather gods. Or something.

Spring looks like this, right?

I suppose you might be wondering what sort of tom foolery I've been getting up to lately. Well, let me tell you...Not much. You see, after Fasching (during) I had the misfortune to lose my keys. The gods are cruel and the Key God apparently hates me. I blame Austria. 22 years of safely kept keys and then I come to this country and BAM broken key in December. BAM lost keys in February. ALCOHOL WASN'T EVEN THE DECIDING FACTOR. Ugh. Whatever. So, due to being keyless, I've spent most of my time sulking, reading and drawing. Which is fine by me. Hopefully this week keys will be restored to me and I can be more or less human again.

Luckily after the lost key incident of 2013, I scampered off to Vienna for all kinds of fun with my friend Megan. See out misadventures here Facebook Album Lots of cake and tea occurred that week. AND IT WAS GLORIOUS. Coming back to Graz and school was less than desirable. I'm not particularly loving my new school and I'm frustrated most days than not. The teachers rarely let me know what they want for a lesson, until 10-40 minutes before the lesson actually takes place. I like being able to plan. I don't like winging it. Not with kids I don't know and subjects I'm no expert on. Oi. I'm hoping its just the time of year that's making me feel so disillusioned with Austria but we shall see. Come April I will find out if I've been awarded a second year or not, and then I'll have to make all kinds of serious life choices. UGH WHINE.  I've basically been in a slump since returning home from Christmas break, and unfortunate key circumstances, unruly students, and lots of snow have not helped warm the cockles of my heart. If Austria were a person, I'd kick his kneecaps.

