Monday, January 7, 2013


I know I know, no one keeps their New Year's resolutions past the first week of February, but hey, I've grown accustomed to gentle failure so I may as well give it go. There must be some super secret method for actually achieving your goals and dreams, right? My method is typically just apathy doused in procrastination with a hint of panic, but that formula only really works best for Film Lit term papers.

I've been asked a few times now what I've resolved to do in the year 2013 (aka the future. we live in the future.) Normally I'd say things like "GET A HOT MANCAKE COVERED IN BEEFSAUCE TO LOVE ME."* but that seems a tad unreasonable. I think I'll tone it down a notch from previous unrealistic pipedreams, like becoming a princess, for example. If only it were so simple… All right, here is my list of resolutions for the year 2013 that i have just now thought up at 1 pm on a Monday, fueled only by tea and sugar, in no particular order.


•  Successfully budget finances: I've had several unsuccessful attempts before now

Follow through on plans for the summer, no matter how daunting: I tend to get overwhelmed easily, discouraged by anxiety and stress which lead to my becoming a hermit and poor sleep patterns. I've planned a giant travel-filled adventurous summer with my best friend, and while it sounds incredibly awesome, the logistics have me in a panic.  The plan is to volunteer on farms/be a tourist in Croatia and Finland (other countries possible) before heading out for roughly a month long adventure in New Zealand!

Climb more hills to become more fit for said upcoming trek. Don't wait to die of an asthma attack.

Take my comics more seriously: draw every day no matter what, and learn to use the graphic tablet I was given for Christmas. I have a dream of creating a humorous comic-filled humor blog based on my misadventures, that creates a bit of profit, or at least mild internet fame.

Read more. I have all the time in the world. There's no excuse for not reading.

• Do more with German.

• Figure out how to terminate my lease….

Seriously plan for the future. Look into every job option, scour the US for work, look into masters programs that actually interest me abroad and at home, just…TRY AND FIGURE IT OUT MAN. But at the same time, try not to feel discouraged by how large the world is and how insignificant i am in the scheme of things. I need to shake of the ennui of my generation, to shed the ridiculous notion that I have to be successful and great by the time I'm 25. It probably won't happen. I want to be happy, independent and doing something that doesn't bore me to tears, but I don't have to have "found my bliss" by then. Also, fuck that saying. It's dumb.


*this refers to a man, not an edible carnivore's dream.

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